(2008), zusammen mit Verena Mayer, „Die Bedeutung objektivierender Akte“, in: Mayer, V. (2008), Edmund Husserl: Logische Untersuchungen (=Reihe Klassiker Auslegen Bd. 35), Akademie-Verlag: Berlin, 2008, 159-189
(2009), „Typische Merkmale intentionaler Zustände und Husserls V. Logische Untersuchung„, in: Philosophisches Jahrbuch 116/1, 59-89
Abstract: After a short discussion of some of the main troubling features of intentional states in recent philosophy of mind, the essay focuses on the V. Logical Investigation in order to cast light on the way in which Husserl tries to deal with them. Besides characterizing Husserl’s approach as a theory that relies on four central concepts (Erlebnis, Empfindung, Qualität, Materie), it is shown that Husserl’s early phenomenology develops an internalist solution to the problem(s) of intentionality based upon the concept of matter (Materie) as an intrinsic property and “sense” bestowing element of all intentional states. In the end of the paper this conception is confronted with two challenges: one pointing to the veridical character of some perceptual states, the other questioning Husserl’s thesis according to which solely the intrinsic features of intentional events can determine their reference. A hint towards solution points beyond Husserl’s static internalism in the Investigations towards the dynamic and “horizontal” internalism developed later in his Ideas and the Cartesian Meditations.
(2011), „Empirische Bedeutung, Phantasie und Twin Earth – Husserls Bedeutungstheorie modifiziert“, in: Mayer, V./Scherini, M./Erhard, C., Die Aktualität Husserls. Freiburg/München, 192-230
(2014), Denken über nichts. Intentionalität und Nicht-Existenz bei Edmund Husserl. De Gruyter